
There's something about old barns . . .

There's something about old barns . . .

Every now and again, it's okay to get lost--literally and figuratively--on the backroads.

There's something about old barns . . .

Every now and again, it's okay to get lost--literally and figuratively--on the backroads.

Of Ravines and Moonlight

Of Ravines and Moonlight

Over millennia, the creeksinexorably cut their way throughthe rock, forming such steep ravines.How many times has the path ledthrough such wondrous, lonely places?The raccoon shadow the streams, andthe hounds follow...

Of Ravines and Moonlight

Over millennia, the creeksinexorably cut their way throughthe rock, forming such steep ravines.How many times has the path ledthrough such wondrous, lonely places?The raccoon shadow the streams, andthe hounds follow...

Birches showing the first hints of autumn foliage


Summer moves toward a whisper, verging on nigh but memory. Old red and sugar maples hint —just a branch or two at a time— of the choir of colors to...


Summer moves toward a whisper, verging on nigh but memory. Old red and sugar maples hint —just a branch or two at a time— of the choir of colors to...

Of Oaks and Memory

Of Oaks and Memory

A majestic white oak, keeping watch on a forgotten pathway. Its branches reaching heavenward in a nonrandom eloquence --a woodland cathedral of sorts-- a silent testimony of something infinitely greater....

Of Oaks and Memory

A majestic white oak, keeping watch on a forgotten pathway. Its branches reaching heavenward in a nonrandom eloquence --a woodland cathedral of sorts-- a silent testimony of something infinitely greater....



Harbingers of a thing to come— late summer leaves upon an unnamed trail showing off their autumn dress. Perhaps a lesson learned —the forest is replete with such— a true...


Harbingers of a thing to come— late summer leaves upon an unnamed trail showing off their autumn dress. Perhaps a lesson learned —the forest is replete with such— a true...

A Thing of Calm

A Thing of Calm

There's a serenity found  beneath old oaks and tall hemlocks, where a gentle wind sways the limbs,  filtering the sun and spawning a slow dance of shadow and light upon...

A Thing of Calm

There's a serenity found  beneath old oaks and tall hemlocks, where a gentle wind sways the limbs,  filtering the sun and spawning a slow dance of shadow and light upon...