In Audiobook
The Ryland Creek Saga
In Audiobook Format
The Last Coon Hunter: Book I of the Ryland Creek Saga, Fifth Anniversary Edition, and An Exceptional Hound: Book II of the Ryland Creek Saga are now available on audiobook!
Special thanks to professional voice actor Wayne Thompson (via ACX), who simply does an amazing job narrating both books.
Here's where you can get the audiobooks on
Please note, you'll be leaving this website when you click the link below.The Last Coon Hunter, Fifth Anniversary Edition and An Exceptional Hound on audiobook
Praise for The Last Coon Hunter, Book I of the Ryland Creek Saga, 5th Anniversary Ed, the audiobook:
Special note: The Last Coon Hunter, 5th Anniversary Edition, won Second Place in the 2022 New York State Outdoor Writers Association Excellence in Craft award--Television, Radio, Video, and Audio category.
The Last Coon Hunter (5th Anniversary Edition) is the 1st book of the Ryland Creek Saga. It takes place in upstate New York in an area called Ryland Creek outside of the town of Painted Post. The author does a great job of setting the time and tone of the area. It's about a family who hunts raccoon and raises great dogs as well. The story is set appropriately 4 decades ago. Kind of a innocent time before drugs , murder, and the modern world would enter into this quiet, mystic place. All of these and the supernatural come into play as you listen to the narrator draw you in. This book will leave you wanting more. Good thing, because there are more books in this series. I give it, " 2 thumbs up"!
--Barry on Audible, October 2022
Character development is top notch! It’s been a long time since I have read a fiction book and the character development was great! I felt like I knew these people. Great story and plot as well.
-- Amazon Customer via Audible, November 2023
Absolutely amazing! Best book [The Last Coon Hunter] I've ever read! Great writer and narration! If you haven't read this you're missing out, that's all I can say!
Please add the other books to this series on Audible!
-- Amazon Customer via Audible, September 2023
Wayne Thompson, the narrator, did a wonderful job in reading one of my favorite books [The Last Coon Hunter] by this author. [T]His book [isn't] just for men. Touching stories, memorable characters, written in different years correct to that era. You will cheer and cry for the Ernst family. -- Angela Vandergrift on Amazon
The Last Coon Hunter is a touching story revolving around the lifestyle of a widowed father, his two sons, and their beloved coon hounds. Their lives intertwine with other good folks from the Painted Post area, a few unsavory characters, and even the supernatural to weave a pleasant and sometimes sad tale of an era gone by.
In this audio book, the narrator brought to life numerous personalities with clarity and nuance. You would swear there was more than one voice actor! Wayne Thompson’s depth of vocal talent infused and complimented the story’s setting and nostalgic quality.
I purchased, read, and enjoyed the print version of this book a few years ago. The new fifth anniversary addition has improved the story, although it’s challenging to pinpoint where the author made changes.
Combined with the narrator’s soothing tone, this audio book was a balm to the soul to unwind from reality and “step” into the woods of Painted Post. I hear there is magic there if you know where to look.
-- Writer Mom on Amazon
From Wayne Thompson, the voice actor for both The Last Coon Hunter, Fifth Anniversary Edition, and An Exceptional Hound: Book II of the Ryland Creek Saga:
Before I sign off on this little note, I want to say something personal to you. I auditioned for TLCH [The Last Coon Hunter] specifically because the audition scene was wholesome, gentle, and beautifully written. Young love burst through the page, and the charm and tenderness with which you told the tale made me unable not to read the script in hopes that I might do it some justice.
My great hope is still that I have done your exceptional work justice. Your tales are far more than homespun yarns, they are very deep and endearing lessons on and about life, both its simple joys and it gut wrenching sorrows.
You are a master! I am honored to have read them . . .